Trail running is one of my favourite things to do and now I have a little running buddy too. We’ve just got back from the Lake District. It was Amber’s first Lakeland adventure but I’ve been coming back to this beautiful location for many years. I call it my spiritual home; whenever I’m here, I feel deeply connected. Connected to nature, the community, the animals and everything around me.
Sourcing local ingredients to fuel my runs is something I enjoy too. I look out for small businesses selling artisan bread, coffee, eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables, gather everything I need and take it back to my cottage. Having Amber with me this time made those purchases even more fun and engaging. She brings joy to so many people with her high-energy, tail wagging cuteness. For her, everything is a fun adventure and it reminded me to make time for the things I enjoy too. This is the key to wellness.

Our first walk/ run had us up at the crack of dawn. I’d planned to take her up to Orrest Head in Windermere to see if she could manage it. It’s a fairly short walk, 4.3km with a climb of just 210 metres. I figured it would be a good start for a little pup. To my surprise, she was running most of the way up with plenty of encouragement and praise! Orrest Head is such a beautiful spot and accessible for so many people. The views at the top are spectacular and one of a few places in the Lake District that rewards views like that without much effort to get there. Alfred Wainwright, who is famous for his fell-walking and guides in the area, found Orrest Head first, after alighting the train in Windermere back in 1930 so this place is special and well-known to many.

I was glad to have made a filling and sustaining breakfast for our first trail running adventure – scrambled eggs with avocado, tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach. We were out for about an hour, running up, going back and forth along trails we’d already run, just so Amber could explore every little inch and get as muddy as possible. Then the finale was running downhill, only stopping to say hello to each person and dog we met on the way.
When we arrived back in the village, we stopped at a cafe for a latte and homemade flapjack. Amber was in her element again getting attention from everyone in there and little puppy treats from the owners. Still full of beans and loving every minute…and me too!